Wednesday, October 26, 2016

1 hr. center fuselage.

Since I'm missing some parts (rudder pedal bushings among some other things) it kind of discourages me from making much progress.  I'm hoping parts arrive from the factory soon...

Another thing sucking down time is that I'm working on a new aviation safety related startup.  You'll be hearing more about that sometime in the next month or so.

In order to get restarted I'll be going over and extensively updating my Task List tomorrow morning.

My method to put washers in where you can't hold them.  Worked perfectly.

But.... even using thin washers the bolt really isn't long enough for the purpose - I can't quite get the cotter pin in because the hole is not completely uncovered.  If I tightened the bolt anymore it would be too tight.  So, I need to order a longer bolt (probably AN5-15 or 16)...  Kind of annoying because I just did two orders with Aircraft Spruce so I'll have to pay another shipping cost...

Even though it didn't have the cotter pin in, I could still test the motor and linkages.

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