Sunday, October 9, 2016

2 hrs. misc. center fuselage.  I decided I need to expand on my task list to a full level of detail for most of the rest of the center fuselage construction.  I'm finding that I'm bogged down by not being certain what is ok to do next.  So, I'll need to go over various other builder logs and fill in the missing details in the current fuselage manual.

Was away for a few days hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  This is a typical view.

Was enlightened that I should elevate the front of the fuselage to get roughly the correct angle to enable the angle pieces that connect to the main spar to line up properly.  That worked well (though I'm not sure what the exact angle is, I assume it'll fix itself when I put the side skins on).

Made a little holder for my various reamers.  I got new reamers for the M3 (#10) and M4 (A) rivnut holes.

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