Monday, October 17, 2016

3 hrs. on the center fuselage.

Put in some rivnuts on the top of the ribs.  I think those other holes get rivnuts, but I need to confirm.
Time to put on the soundproofing underneath the skin.  Cut to about the right size (easier to work with then the whole roll hanging off).  Ready to make the first cut.

First cut done, now ready to make the second cut.  Remember that these pieces must fit completely within the channel outlines.

Making my way across.  Not doing the center section since wires may go through there.

All ready to go!

Now to make sure I'm not covering any rivet holes.

I decided my application method would be to double check the fit on the bottom (clear of the channels on all sides) and then carefully centering it between the rivet holes on the bottom of the top skin.  Here's the first piece applied.  I flipped it over into place to check the fit and it was perfect.

This second piece needed a section cut out to provide for the rivet holes.

All the pieces applied!

Flipped over and back on.  Perfect!

Miscellaneous parts back on.

To close out the 3 hours I applied a couple of pieces in the rear section of the center fuselage.

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