Sunday, October 23, 2016

3 hrs. center fuselage

Test fit of the joystick assembly showed that it was too tight, so it was time to enlarge the hole.

This is how I enlarge the hole.  Worked well with a subsequent test showing easy twisting.

I saw that a couple of other people had enlarged this opening to allow the rudder cables to pass through with more clearance.  This is CHL-40.  I widened each side by 6mm.  Here it's marked.

Used snips to cut away the metal.

Cut, filed and ScotchBrited...  Looks good.

Protected with edge grommet.

I had mentioned the other day that I had over-tightened this, so I pulled the cotter pin, loosened the nut by one "opening" and reinserted a new cotter pin.  Much better.

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