Monday, November 14, 2016

2 hrs. center fuselage

Put in these 8 M4 rivnuts.

Put in more soundproofing.  This section was tricky, but not too bad.

Other than the outside section (which I'll do later once I know what's going there) it's done.  I'm also leaving open the section where I think I'll put the transponder blade antenna until I put in the backing plate and holes.


  1. Craig, just an FYI I think the bottom of the glove box sides goes on the outside of those tabs (with the two 3.2mm rivets) where the seat rail attaches. I don't have mine in right now, but I noticed that if the side of the glove box are on the inside then when you put the seat rails on there will be a space at the end where the seat rail attaches to that tab with the two 3.2mm rivets.

    1. Ah, OK, thanks! I just guessed how they fit. ;-)
