Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2 hrs. mostly contemplating my navel in regards to how to install the cross-fuselage aileron pushrod...

Since the joystick is already installed it is very difficult to install the joints for the aileron pushrods.  I wish the manual mentioned this...  Way better to install all the aileron-related joints before installing the joystick into the main spar.

The manual calls for AN4-16A bolts... No way to install that if the joystick is already mounted (unless you install it backwards).

Fortunately an AN4-15A is long enough and can be put in the proper way.

I removed the joint from the pushrod to make it easier to install but this will still be difficult because you can't get your hands in there...  I think I'll have to temporarily glue the washers together (a combo of thick and thin to fit) with the joint to be able to install it.  If that proves impossible I'll have to disassemble the joystick assembly all together - not something I'd like to do because it would involve unwinding a lot of stuff already done. :-(

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