Friday, December 30, 2016

2 hrs. working on the pushrod connections and seat rails.

My first attempt to put the rose joints into the joystick was to glue the washers to the joint...

But an attempt to put it in like this failed...  Just too difficult to get it in there.

So, I disconnected the pushrods from the pushrods (elevator and aileron autopilot) and took out the joystick assembly.

Way easier to put the bolts and joints in when it's out.  But, I don't think that upper bushing is supposed to be there, so I'll have to take that out (though I'll check first to see if I'm right).

EDIT: At least according to Peter's log, there are bushings on both).  If that's the case, then I don't have enough bushings (I think they come with the finishing kit which I haven't gotten yet.  I got 2 separately).

Finishing up the countersinking of the seat rails.  Looking like a machine shop.

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