Monday, December 26, 2016

3 hrs. on pushrods and starting to countersink the seat rails.

The manual calls for AN4-12A bolts and thick washers, but I found the -11A and thin washers were a better fit.  Some of the connections I used thick washers or a combo of thick and thin.  Was just looking for snug, but not too tight (I couldn't even get the washers in if it was too tight).  I used tweezers to hold the two washers in place.

The center pushrod was a bit tricky to get to, but this worked.

Getting ready to countersink the seat rails.

Nice!  I continually tested the fit of the rivets to make sure it was just deep enough.


Moved the rear fuselage back and split the workbenches in prep to join the two sections.  Exciting!

Careful when countersinking the plastic - it just takes a few seconds.

One rail all done!

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