Saturday, December 3, 2016

Got some more details on my paint scheme, including the current proposed colors and the plan view.


  1. Thought I'd mention that I've started reading your build-log. I'm just starting flying lessons, but I've been flying for a while (year-and-a-half) with a good friend who built an RV-7A. At some point (probably starting in a handful of years), I want to build a 4-place, and I'm really liking the Sling 4 (especially when the Rotax 915 comes out). I've been enjoying your informative build-log. I decided to comment on this post because your paint scheme looks pretty great!

    Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!


    1. Hi Josh,

      Glad you're enjoying the blog as much as I enjoy writing it! I can't wait to get to the stage of having it painted. Hopefully next summer or fall.

      I think you'd really enjoy building the Sling 4. It's a much easier (and quicker) build than an RV.

      Good luck with your flying lessons!

