Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1.5 hr firewall and center/rear connection.

I don't recall if I mentioned it previously, but the hole pitch of the channel on the other side does not match the pitch of the firewall and plate (seen here).  The factory advised to just drill it out to match the plate.

All drilled out, reamed, cleaned and riveted all the way across.

At the connection, the top longeron's holes match the rear longeron, but the next two down the rear's longerons don't have holes at all, so those will have to be drilled out.  Now that I'm sure the fuselage is properly angled (the skin holes are nearly all cleco'ed) I feel confident doing this now.

Close-up of the 2nd one down, so you can see no holes in the rear's longeron.

View of the right side's longeron's in place.  Same drilling will be necessary on that side.

Riveted two center fuselage ribs on each side to the rear's cross brace.

 The long view from the rear.  Looking good! :-)

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