Thursday, January 19, 2017

2 hrs. on the firewall.

In consultation with the factory and other builders I will not put on the side skins until much later in the build.  I will join the center and rear without the sides on.  That should be just fine.

It will make working on the wiring much easier.

Time to rivet down these parts.  Had to bend the rivet mandrel for a few of the rivets to pull them.

Firewall back on.

This part, CF-ANG-026 goes on the bottom of the firewall before those two side braces (it goes under them).  This part is not mentioned in the manual.

Starting to put on the two mounting strips which wrap around the firewall.  I heard this was bad, but I didn't find it to be too bad.  Started at the top and worked my way around.  The manual says to start at the bottom, but other builders have said to start at the top and that worked for me.

Working my way around.

Keep going....

One side done.

This support bracket (FF-ANG-001) goes on after.

Both sides done.

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