Tuesday, January 17, 2017

3 hrs. removing the side skins (again...), installing the copilot joystick and gathering firewall parts.

Got my BSH-010 parts from CA so I could finally finish my copilot joystick assembly.

Side skin off...

The washers are lightly glued to the locnuts for the joystick assembly.

Good lighting is essential!

The hands of a surgeon and the patience of a monk are required for this assembly.  Which means I did a lot of cursing...

But, it's done!  Connecting the cross-fuselage aileron pushrod took half an hour...  Couldn't imagine doing that with the side skins on, so I'm glad it's done.

Other skin off and engine mount retrieved from storage.

Gathering firewall parts...  Seems I'm missing FF-SPC-001-X-A-0 (Bracket Spacer).  Need 4. Looked everywhere and can't find these.

Testing out the pushrods.

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