Monday, February 20, 2017

1.5 hrs. on the rudder spring rivnuts and soundproofing.

I was told (thanks BobZ!) that the M5 rivnuts can be very hard to pull, so he advised doing a test pull.  Here's the test pull which wasn't too bad.

Hold drilled out to size and rivnut ready to go with Loctite 277 applied.

The first one I was able to pull by hand, but the second one was just beyond my ability to pull it by hand.  So, I used a large C-clamp to do the work for me.  Went easily.

Checking underneath for the proper amount of pull, and it looks good.

Both done!

Applied the soundproofing to the bottom of the luggage floor.  Nice!
I'll probably apply more soundproofing to the cross brace part, but I'll wait on that until it's ready to be installed.

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