Thursday, February 9, 2017

2 hrs. finishing the wiring holes and routing the rudder cables.

Let's use the step drill bit to make those big holes (9.55mm) for the wiring on the left side.  I've taped it off so I know where to stop.

One done.  Nice and easy!

All done.

I think this part (CF-ANG-030) goes behind since it seems to fit better that way.  I'll check other blogs to confirm.

Misc. interior skins cleco'ed in place.

Starting to route the rudder cables.

Coming up front.

Need to confirm, but I think this is how the cables attach to the crossing rib (or whatever it's called..).

Adjusting both ends until it was taut.

The manual specifies AN3-13A bolts for the connection to the rudder pedals, but those are too long.  -12A is the right size.  The nut is only loosely spun on in this photo.  I'll tighten it tomorrow.


  1. in the last picture it looks like that cable is rubbing against that vertical piece of metal?

