Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I've been stuck on jury duty the last couple of days and have one more to go...  So, not much energy for plane work unfortunately.

Meanwhile my final sub-kits are on their way from CA!  Very exciting to be getting all the final sub-kits, including undercarriage, panel, canopy (I got it quick built in South Africa, which will save me a good amount of time), finishing and upholstery.

Also, starting a new job next week as a hardware design engineer at Intel, so that's also exciting.

1 comment:

  1. وفقا لاحدث الوسائل والاساليب التى عمل عليها العديد من الخبراء فى مشروعات سفلتة طرق مع افضل المعدات التى تعمل على تقوية الطريق وتزيد من تحمله اتصل الان على رقم شركة اسفلت : 0590040027
    او زيارة موقعنا الالكترونى
