Friday, March 10, 2017

One thing that has been somewhat limiting my time on the plane (but not too much! ;-)) is an idea I've been working on.  It's called Emergency Runways.  I actually first had the idea back in 2008 and built an early website back then.  But, it got put on the back burner after awhile.  Not anymore!  After talking to other pilots and entrepreneur friends I decided to spin the prop again.

I've spent the last few months writing the detailed specifications and now the development team is in place to develop my website and app for use in flight and we're moving ahead to make it the reality I envisioned back then!

I'm offering deep discounts on paid memberships (there will also be limited free memberships) in order to raise money to complete the development and launch the service.

The first 100 signed up at $75 will get lifetime subscriptions for no additional cost! After that the next 50 at $150 will get the same deal.

Check it out here:

Please feel free to share anywhere you'd like for other pilots to see.

I also appreciate your thoughts and feedback.


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