Friday, April 7, 2017

Sun 'n Fun is this week and Rotax is releasing more info on the 915.  Looks like the price will be around $34k, which is less than I previously heard.  Still more than the 914 or Modified 912 options of around $28k, but it has the advantage of straight from the factory (vs. the 912 option) and fuel injection and lower fuel consumption (vs. the 914).

Here's an article from Plane & Pilot on the 915.


  1. What do you see as the advantages of the 915 behind straight from the factory. What's the expected TBO for the modified 912? Does it need to go to Norway for overhaul?

    1. No idea about the expected TBO for the 912 mod. I haven't seen anything regarding TBO on the EdgePerformance website or documentation. I would assume the overhaul would be done by the dealer for North America who is up in Canada.

      The one thing that bothers me about the mod is that it requires that the crankshaft be welded (not sure why, but probably to strengthen it in some way).

      Straight from the factory is always better in my mind. It's far more extensively tested than any mod would be and the factory will stand behind it.

      I'm leaning toward the 915 at this point. More expensive for sure (including a more expensive prop and hub too...), but I think worth it.

  2. Makes sense. Is the different prop still an electric constant speed? Same controller?

    1. Yes, everything is the same except a stronger prop/hub to handle the higher HP/Torque.

  3. So you'd presumably need that with the EdgePerformance-modified 912, too. If the pricing works out as you expect, I'd say the 915 is the obvious choice. It looks like Phase I flight testing is either 25 hours or 40 depending on whether the engine/prop are "certifiable." Does the 915 vs the modified 912 make a difference there or no?

    1. I'll have to confirm it, but I think the 25 hour option is only for E-LSA's that have been built exactly like the factory would build it. The 4 isn't an LSA, so there's no way it could qualify for the 25 hour option.

      In any case, any engine other then the 914 would require a stronger prop. The 915 is probably the way I'll go.
