Friday, May 19, 2017

1 hr. working on the parking brake valve.

The parking brake valve assembly.  I discovered a while ago that the threads don't match and it seems this is a common problem.  So, fellow builder BobZ sent me the required die to re-thread the male threads.  I've been apprehensive about doing it since I've never done it before.

Getting it started is a bit tricky as you need to push down a bit while turning it until it really catches.

Once it's definitely caught then I used my socket wrench (13/16") to go the rest of the way.

It just grinds the metal all the way down and voila you have new threads!  Easier than I thought.

A test fit confirms it's perfect.

I was advised to put a couple of turns of plumbers tape around it to ensure a tight seal - keeping it away from the end where it could get into the fluid.

You need to make sure to put on the connecting brackets before putting them on...

And it's done!

Top view with the handle back in place.


  1. Why not just buy the proper fitting?

  2. Nice Tutorial brother. This could actually mean a lot to those in mechanical Engineering.

    Thanks for this

  3. Craig, what is the correct die size for those fittings? Mine are wrong too and I need to do the same thing.
