Sunday, May 7, 2017

2.5 hrs. on the rear seat.

The past week has been a bit rough in my family.  Last Sunday we got the news that my uncle (my mother's twin brother) died.  This happened soon after we found out my stepfather (my mom's husband of course) had terminal cancer and was in now in hospice...  He died this past Friday.  So the strain on my mom has been beyond what anybody should have to face.  Tough times...

In the few hours of alone time today I got into the garage to work on the plane - It helped to focus on something else...

I noticed that this part and it's location were not mentioned in the manual.  This is ST-ANG-002 and it goes on the bottom of the rear seat.

The bottom all buttoned up.

The top all buttoned up.  Though I did notice that it was a bit warped.  I probably should have installed the side angle pieces first...

Putting them on helped the warping a lot, though not perfect.  I suspect that once the seat is put in its place it will be further de-warped (I think.  I hope).  I would have gone further than this except that I found that my rear seat hinge was not fabricated correctly - the set of holes that connect to the seat bottom should have a pitch of 60mm, but mine has a pitch of about 62.5mm and that just doesn't work.  Need a new hinge...

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