Sunday, June 4, 2017

2 hrs. yesterday on the center console.

I was told that the Safe-Air type fittings (you pull a ring back to insert the tubing) is not good and has a tendency to leakage.  So, I've bought all new fittings called Nylo Seal, which you can see here.  Now I need to figure out how you connect it to the static port....

The drawings I keep getting from the factory (and the manual) seem to insist that the console skins go on the inside of PLT--015, but that doesn't make sense...  I've emailed the factory to settle this once and for all.

Gathering materials to line and cover the center console arm rest/cubby.

Well, tried this adhesive....  And it did not work at all...  I've asked the factory what they use.

Meanwhile I did further rivet the assembly. Back side.

Front side.

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