Sunday, June 18, 2017

3 hrs. and nearly done with the center console.

Measuring the part of the seat belt that has to go through the slot and accounting for the leather thickness I figure I need 15mm for the slot width.  It's 10mm, so time for some cutting...

The plan...

Cut with a circular blade on my Dremel.

Then finished with the grinder bit.

And it fits!

 Time to glue on the top and one side.

Cut a slit for the belt slot.

So that I'll be able separate and fold the sides and glue it on the other side.


Time to trim off all the excess.

Looking good.

The back plate.


The only remaining item is to attach the hinge (which unfortunately is not drilled properly).  I want to be careful here because I want the top to line up with the bottom when it's down, so I need to line up the drilled holes properly.

Using my Exacto blade I poked holes through where there are rivnuts.  The factory seems to make larger holes here, but I found I was able to push a screw through with just a small hole in the leather.

The holes in the bottom are correct, so I drilled through those.

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