Wednesday, August 9, 2017

1.5 hr. on the COM2 antenna.

Parts I got yesterday.

Of course I didn't read the magnetometer installation manual before installing it...  But, I read it today and found that it must be square with the line of the aircraft.  I got lucky because it was perfect... :-/

Time to install the COM2 backing plate (this time I read the simple instructions!).

I want to make sure it's lined up with the center line so I drew a median down the plate.

Stretched a string down the center line....

But, I was extra paranoid, so I took multiple measurements to make sure it really was straight down the center line.

Now to line up the median and my center line.

Marked and double checked yet again...  It looks off in the photo because of the angle, but it was perfect.

Center punched carefully.

Checking again...

Photo got rotated, but here it is after I've drilled it with progressively larger bits.

The holes were M3 sized at this point so I put in my largest clecos to keep it lined up while I reamed the other holes to M4, my intended size.

Reamed to M4 and ready for the rivnuts.  Loctite 277 applied and ready to go...

Done and perfect! :-)  Now just have to drill out the center hole for the BNC connector and we're all set.  OK, near perfect.  One of the rivnuts didn't properly install because the plate came up a bit.  No matter though because the screw will go in just fine.

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