Thursday, August 31, 2017

What do people think of this arrangement for my panel?  I saw this kind of arrangement on a new Sling 2 just out of the factory and I kind of like it.

Here's the original one for reference


  1. I like the idea of the side-by-side displays. But it seems like a long reach to the radio. Also, if that's a 650 and you're flying IFR, I'd rather have a clear line of sight to that than the iPad which I would think is a secondary instrument/display. FWIW because I'm still a student pilot!

  2. I'd personally prefer the radio, backup PFD (G5) and prop control within easy reach since the ipad is kind of ancillary. In other words, I prefer your original arrangement, which also has a nice symmetry. Of course, the beauty of EAB is that icky your own preference matters.

  3. I agree with Geoff and Josh on 650 placement. I thought we convinced you to get rid of that auto-pilot panel and use the G3? Since CB's seldom need be used, put them out of the way. I also thought we convinced you to use the G750 rather than the G650?

  4. Personally I like the original better. The only thing I'd change is put the prop control side by side with the G5. Rather than run the switches vertical, I'd run them horizontal under the prop control and G5. It would give a nice flow pattern across. There is a random switch on the right of the G5, I would put lesser used switches with that one. Looks like there's room to do that.

    1. Yeah, I agree. I'll play with Xpanel tonight and make those changes. Did you ever go ahead and order the S4 kit?
