Sunday, October 15, 2017

1.5 hrs. misc.

Further testing on using spackle for filling rivet heads.  I spread some spackle on uncleaned aluminum to see how it adheres.  I asked the manufacturer why the container says not to use on metal or plastic and they said it was simply because they hadn't tested it.  Well, I'm testing it. ;-)
Later, when it's dry, I'm going to see how it adheres and spray some primer over the rivets and see how it looks.  If this all checks out (and I think it will), then this will definitely be the easiest and quickest way to fill rivet heads.  No mixing, No sanding!!!

Testing the mechanical strength of the front seat jacks.  All good!

The underside with mic and headphone plugs in.

Tying up the wires so they stay out of the way of the seat belts (and keep them from moving around).

Back in place and looking good!

Side view showing the wires coming down over the main spar.

1 comment:

  1. Those parts are for mounting the MGL ADAHRS and magnetometer I believe.
