Wednesday, November 8, 2017

1 hr. sanding rivet heads and testing out the new crimper.  I'll double check my wiring diagram tonight and strategize the wiring harness assembly (I don't want to build it and then find out I can't get "this" through "that")...

The new crimper and I also got solder sleeves.

Instructions for adjusting the crimper.

I made a new masking tool for sanding the rivets.  Easier to hold.  Took 15 minutes to sand all the rivets on the right side of the fuselage (rear).

Put the wire in.  You should see the wire in the inspection hole and there should be a tiny bit of bare wire sticking out (.01") according to NASA.

Adjust the tool so that the dropped in pin is flush or slightly under-flush with the tool surface.  There's a knob on the other side to do this.  Super easy.

Put the wire into the pin and then the pin into the tool, hold it there and.... crimp!  Pull the handles until it doesn't ratchet anymore and you're done.  According to NASA this is a perfect crimp. :-)  Pulled hard on it and there's no way that's coming out.  Nice!

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