Sunday, November 19, 2017

1.5 hrs on the pitch servo connector.

Power and ground 2-core wire pinned.

Check my work?  Like all the wiring, I'm checking continuity before committing to the connector.

The 5-core wire bundle from the pitch trim motor.

We want the two white wires to go to the pitch servo.  The others go on to the panel.

I started to try and cut the cover off and quickly realized there was no way I was going to cut it all down the length I needed to...

So, instead I cut the two white wires and grafted on another 2-core wire that will go to the servo.

Graft complete and heat shrink on for strength.  I'll add more heat shrink tomorrow for added strength here.

This is how far I got today with the pitch servo connector.  Just need to connect the trim wires and the CAN Bus wires I did yesterday and that's it.

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