Thursday, November 9, 2017

A reader posted this info as a comment on another post, so I'm posting it here.  Not sure where they got it, but it looks legit.  Here's what the updated 915-powered Sling 4 will be:

New Sling 4 TSi

Features (new compared to the current Sling 4)
 Rotax 915 iS 135 hp turbocharged engine (20% more power)
 New Airmaster constant speed propeller
 Completely new wing with 175 L fuel capacity
 Balanced control surfaces
 Countersunk rivets on front third of all leading edges
 New design front cowling to accommodate the intercooler
 New main wheel spats
 New airfoil shaped main gear legs
 New canopy with modified doors and hinges
 New seats and interior upholstery
 Rear seat moved back to Sling 4 original position giving more head and leg room
 Parachute moved back giving more luggage space

Specifications (Sling 4 in brackets)
Standard aircraft empty weight 508 kg (490 kg)
MAUW 950 kg (920 kg)
Useful load with full fuel tanks 320 kg (315 kg)
All same as Sling 4 except wingspan 9.56 m (9.96 m)
Max continuous power 127 hp (100 hp)
Fuel consumption at cruise 30 L/h (25 L/h)
Speeds and Range
VNe 145 Kts (135 Kts)
Fast cruise speed at sea level 130 KTAS (118 KTAS)
Fast cruise speed at 8,000 ft asl 140 KTAS (125 KTAS)
Stall in landing configuration sea level 50 KIAS (48 KIAS)
Rate of Climb sea level MAUW 680 ft/min (540 ft/min)
Range at economy cruise 1,400 km (1,350 km)

After hearing whispers of what the changes to the Sling 4 will be to accommodate the 915 I decided to stick with the standard 914 for my build.  The 915 just doesn't make sense for me.


  1. does this mean you have to go aftermarket for fuel injection?

    1. If I wanted that, then yes, I'd need to go aftermarket. But, my investigation of that option means an engine that has had it's crankshaft re-welded by a 3rd party. Not sure I want to go there. I'll look into again, but at this point I'm more likely to go with the default option off the factory floor. It's a well-proven engine.

    2. yea, BUT a carbureted engine really sucks for IMC.

    3. I'll look into the option of just fuel injecting the 914. The other option I considered was taking a 912 and fuel injecting and turbo-charging it (which is cheaper than the 1st option).
