Sunday, November 5, 2017

About 3 hrs researching and designing the interconnect between the servos, magnetometer and Ray Allen pitch trim servo.

Despite being an electrical engineer I can't say I love the wiring stuff...

Source material from the Garmin G3X Touch Installation Manual, which you can retrieve from here.  This section is critical.

Pinout for the servos.

Pinout for the magnetometer.

My wiring diagram.  The numbers on the right side of the components are the number of conductors for each connection on the left side.

Simplified schematic to better understand the cabling between each component.

The parts...  Now I have to psych myself up to do it...

So, no instructions with these connector kits (2 for the servos and 1 for the magnetometer)...  I assume I insert the bare wire in the unmarked end of the pin, crimp it and insert the marked end in the connector.  Right?

Another thing on my task list is to the new COM1 connector part to the top of the fuselage... But, I'm not quite sure how it goes...  Time to ask the factory.


  1. do you have the correct crimp tool for these pins?

    1. I'll find out tonight as it's arriving today. I got a heads-up email saying to make sure they're deep enough for the Garmin pins. I'll let everyone know.
