Tuesday, December 12, 2017

1.5 hrs dimpling and changing a light bulb ;-).

I saw on Amazon some mega-LED bulbs and decided I wanted more light in my workspace.  You can never have too much light!  This is a photo of before the change (the bulb to be changed was on the ceiling, not the bulb seen in the photo).

Much better with the new bulb!

Here's the old mega-florescent.

And here's the new mega-LED bulb (330W equivalent, but only uses 50W).  This is the bulb.  I mean, look at that thing!

Time to start dimpling...  These were a little tricky because there's not much room to insert the dimpler.  Just bending up the flange a bit to get it in did the trick.

More to go, but most done.

And the corresponding holes on the skin done too.  Well, except the front edge, which I think need to be sized up to 4mm.

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