Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Another quick half hour priming the luggage door parts.  Kind of in a holding pattern waiting for the tubing to protect the wires in the rear fuselage (coming Thursday).  Once that's done then I can go ahead and close up the rear fuselage and start to quickly work toward closing up the center fuselage.

I understand from SteinAir that my panel has been cut and things are moving ahead.  They better be since I just paid them money to buy most of the avionics.... ;-)

I'll try to get some pics from them this week if they have anything interesting to show.

No pics today, but here's a video showing things I'll have to learn once I get my instrument rating in my plane. :-)


  1. looks simple :) wait till you have to deal with any anomalies!!

    1. Right! That's why I'll have to know the system cold.
