Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Quick half hour to seal the compressor leak and do a few countersunk rivets.

I know the right thing to seal the compressor would have been to loosen the fitting and put on some teflon tape, but since this fitting was connected to a pretty immovable tube, I decided to just seal it with a thick layer of RTV adhesive/sealant.  Let that cure overnight and I'll power up the compressor and see how it holds.

Put in some countersunk rivets.  Saw on other blogs that it could end up lumpy here, particularly in the upper left of the photo.  Looks like there's a gap...

But, I put my arm underneath and held up the tray and it closed that gap.  I riveted it and it seems OK.  Would have done more, but my small bag of 3.2mm countersunk rivets was empty.  Hope I can find more elsewhere in the garage...

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