Sunday, February 18, 2018

1 hr. on the center console area.

I've had a cold the last few days so it's been hard to muster the energy to work on the plane...  But, I managed an hour today.  I have tomorrow off so hopefully can do a few hours tomorrow.

Received my replacement mandrels for my rivnut puller.  Now I can finish off the antenna mount.  Also got my Contego fireproof coating.  But first I'll need to properly prep the galvanized firewall to accept paint.  That's for another day though...

This piece is too long to fit here...

Of course I realized soon after that the back panel of the center console goes over the piece, but it still needed some banging down to get it to fit.

I had to remove some material over the rivnuts in order to get screws in there.  Doesn't matter that it's not perfect because it gets covered by the panel.  Hope to finish off this area tomorrow.

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