Wednesday, February 21, 2018

1 hr. on luggage door strike plate and center console area.

Got my power supply for powering my panel.  This is what I got.  SteinAir says the panel currently draws less than 6A, so this 10A should be just fine.  Can't wait!

Had to widen the holes in order to get the screws into the rivnuts.

With the back cover on.  Need to adjust the hole in the lower left, but other than that it works well.

Pilot holes in the new luggage door lock strike plate.

With several layers of material that the rivets have to go through, it was pretty marginal whether the rivet was long enough.  I figured by countersinking the holes here they would have something to grab on to.  Did it work?

Perfect!  That baby isn't going anywhere.  I'll hold off a bit on fixing the latch of the lock until I have some gasket material in place around the edge of the door.  Want a nice and tight fit.

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