Tuesday, February 27, 2018

1 hr. on center fuselage longerons.

It was noticed by other builders that longeron 303 (short piece reaching to the luggage door on the left side) didn't reach far enough forward to cover the two rivet holes.  They fashioned new parts to reach, but I didn't discover this until it was already installed, so a different solution is required.

I decided to make a bridge piece that will span 2 holes of the center fuselage longeron and 2 holes of 303.  This is the part I made, which will fit under the longerons.

Part goes here.

Held in place to drill some holes.

For now I'm just going to rivet the forward-most hole.  I'll wait until the side skin is on so that the rear holes can be properly lined up and drilled.

It was recommended by other builders to rivet these 2 lower longerons now, before the skin is on.  Definitely easy to rivet without the skin on.

And the other side done.

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