Saturday, March 31, 2018

2 hrs. working on the rear seat belts.  As soon as I started working on it I wished I had done some of this before putting on the side skins...

This the recommended washer...  But, a bolt head would nearly pull through that, so...

.... another washer is in order.

The recommended bolt AN3-5A is too short.  The next size I had on hand was a -10A, and that worked perfectly.

In place.

One done...  3 more in the back to go...

The center ones are impossible to reach over the side skin, so in I went...  My first time working "inside" the plane. ;-)

 The buckle side in place.  I see the belt pushed up a bit against the rudder cable guide.  OK?  It's the guide, so I think it's OK, but I'll double check with the factory.

Glad I have knee pads to work inside.  Without = Ouch.

All 4 rear lap belt assemblies in place.

Onto the reel assembly..  Big bolt, which didn't come with a matching nut.  What size?  Another question for the factory.

Will do down there with the bolt going through that hole at the bottom.  Should be interesting to see how I'll tighten that nut since it will be under the reel assembly.. :-O

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