Sunday, March 18, 2018

3.5 hrs on side skins.

Don't forget the wing root parts (2 of them on each side) must go on before riveting the skins on.

There are a few rivets that are easier to do with the root parts off, like this one.

In place...  Though I realized that these parts were not primed, so it came off again...

I noticed several months ago that the holes in the gussets and spacers that go on the inside of the side skins are 4mm, while the skins are 3.2mm.  So, I reamed the holes out to 4mm.  As a matter of fact I reamed the whole row to 4mm so it looks consistent.

Holding the strips in place while I drilled/reamed.

Left side mostly done.

Bigger view.

Inside view showing all the gussets that have 4mm holes.

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