Saturday, March 10, 2018

Well, finally got our power back today after 3 days without.  The house got down to 45 degrees F (7.2 C), but fortunately we had friends nearby we could stay with.

I was going to work on the plane tonight, but I need some time in the re-warmed house before tolerating a 50 degree garage...

I did go to 6B6 today with my wife to look into renting a hanger.  They're starting construction soon on a new row of hangers and I put my name in to reserve one of them.  Very exciting!

The airport owner (Don McPherson) took us around the airport for a tour and here we are ready for takeoff from 03 in his truck. ;-)

I did briefly go in the garage to gaze at my airplane and panel.  In order to power up the panel I'll need to hook up the VPX.  I assume that red stud on the upper right is the power in pin, but I'll need to check the manual to make sure I hook things up properly...  lest I blow something up. :-O.

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