Sunday, May 20, 2018

3 hrs. on the sub-panel.

Time to cut out the pieces for the bracket to hold the 20 and 245.  These were 9" x 9".

I left an inch on each end for the flanges.

I don't have a machine for bending sheet metal, so this will have to do...

Works pretty well!

This is how I applied even pressure to bend it.  Some hand bending too.


To bend the second piece you need to make sure it will overlap properly, so you can't just do it by measurements.  Lined them up and figured out where to make the bend.

And it worked. :-)

Matched drilled and riveted!

Figuring out where to mount the boxes.

All rivnuts in!

Perfecto!  Took 2 hours to fabricate this bracket which is probably the most complicated thing I've had to fabricate in the whole build.

Time to put it on the sub-panel.

Matched drilled and riveted in place!

Just have to do the brackets for the boxes which hang underneath.  Like!

1 comment:

  1. Looking better and better! Once you move it to the airport, I'll happily for up and help for a day if you'd like. Nice xc time...
