Monday, June 25, 2018

2 hrs. on the nose wheel and rear seat.

I sprinkled tire talc in the tire (don't use talcum powder as it has an additive that can degrade rubber) (I also wore a mask when sprinkling it in - you don't want to breathe that stuff), rotated the tire to spread it around and then put the inner tube in with the valve lined up with the red dot.

It's a little bit twisty to get the valve through the hole and slot...

...But, with the shoulder washer in place there doesn't seem to be enough threads to capture the nut...  OK, I'll put this aside for now.  Tomorrow I'll need to grind down the washer to expose some threads.  I actually saw this on another blog.

Instead I'll put in the Dzus fasteners in the read seat.  Grommet in...

Special tool required...  First step is to slightly flare the grommet, just enough so it won't fall out.

Slightly flared...

Insert the fastener...

...and with different attachments on the clamp, you crank it down until it's fully flared and flush with the sheet metal.

And it's in!

Other side view.

Test fit of the rear seat.  Got the upper two in fairly easily, but the bottom one has yet to catch.  I'll try again tomorrow.


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