Saturday, June 30, 2018

2 hrs. misc.

Drilled the holes for the two GPS antenna coax cables.  9mm holes worked just right for these grommets (your mileage may vary).

Almost forgot that I have to drill a hole for the AN5 bolt that will go through the grounding bus.  I'll be using the top one.

I'm going to locate it horizontally below the battery box.

Hole drilled and AN5 bolt test fitted.  I'll wait to drill the other, smaller, hole when I have the block in hand.

I don't seem to have the hinge described in the manual, so I went ahead and fabricated one.

All set.

Hmm...  The manual seems to show it on top of the main assembly, but that can't be right...

See how it shows it above it.  That's wrong.  I know because the assembled diagram also on this page clearly shows it under it.

Cover riveted on.  Orientation matters.

The foam material test fitting to cut out for the angle.

And riveted on.

Goes like this...

Match drilling the hinge.

And it's done.  You don't rivet the bottom because it will all get attached to the firewall through those holes.

Goes here.

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