Thursday, June 28, 2018

Quick half hour on a couple of things.

So I took the nose wheel hub off so I could measure things.  The threads extend out about 7mm from the tube.  I measured the hub thickness as 3.5mm and the washer thickness as about 1.5mm (which is what I filed it down to), for a total of 5mm.  So, that leaves 2mm (best case) of threads for the nut to screw on to, which is about half the nut's thickness.  What am I doing wrong here??

Finished up all the used and unused holes on the firewall.  Tomorrow I will apply another coat of the paint (at least 1 more, maybe 2), then I will take a photo of the result and put some notes on the photo to identify each and every hole and fastener.  Then it will finally be time to put on the heat shield.

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