Thursday, July 19, 2018

1 hr. mostly realizing I should have done something before I put the side skins on...

My LPS #2 arrived and from SteinAir I got the special diode I'll need.  This is the diode seen in the diagram a few posts below, between the VP-X and the main fuel pump.  I sprayed the #2 on the nose wheel rose joints.  Super slippery stuff.  I tried to ensure the lubricant only went on the joint and not the threads of the pushrod (as best I could).  NOTE: This is not for lubricating things like wheel bearings, etc.  You grease those (read your manual...).

Man I wish I had put in the nosewheel rose joints before putting on the side skins...  Nearly impossible to get to it (even from inside the cockpit...) and put together the assembly including the two bushings seen here.  I think the only way I'm going to accomplish this is to put a temporary wooden dowel through the bushings and rose joint so I can slip that whole thing in place and then push it out with the bolt.  Hope that works...  BTW, I've updated the Build Order page to make sure it's clear this assembly should be done early...  The manual shows the bolts being put in place, but makes no mention of the rose joint that needs to go there (I suppose it should have been obvious...).

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