Friday, July 6, 2018

2 hrs. misc.

This is my needle grease injector - Is it small enough to fill that tiny port?

The initial reason I bought the fire-resistant paint was the aluminum cabin heat splitter.  I saw that this concerned JimP and he ended up fabricating his own out of steel.  That prompted me to start looking at a way to protect the aluminum and I found that paint.  I've cleaned it, primed it and one coat of the paint.  I'll do a couple more coats of the paint and I have on order some high heat (2000F) gray paint I'll spray on.  That should look good and be pretty darn hard for fire to get through. ;-)

While I'm waiting for misc. hardware (and a new Goodyear nose wheel tube) to arrive I figured I'd start working on the main gear wheels.  It's not mentioned anywhere, but I assume I need to take off those tie wraps.

OK, how do I get that off...

... ah, there's a screw on plastic nut (far left) that you have to turn to allow it to come loose.

Time to split the hub.

Hmm, does this part also need to come off?  I'd take it off except my attempts to loosen those hex nuts seems to be stripping them...  Tomorrow I'll put together the tire, so we'll find out.

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