Monday, August 27, 2018

1.5 hr. on the nose wheel.

Looks like my wedge of Sugru worked very well.  It sticks to the fiberglass and it seems to be just the right thickness.  Also, I switched the other two M5 buttonhead screws to be x20's.  The x12's are not long enough IMHO.

Time to trim off that extra piece of fiberglass.

This saw worked well.  Quick work.  Probably over-cautious, but I wore gloves and a mask for this...  Not a fan of breathing fiberglass dust or getting it on my hands which I discovered can take days to wash away (and can be painful).  After sawing it off I filed it to make it nice and even all the way around.

Hmm...  The manual shows the hole needed for this grommet is 29mm (am I reading it right?), but the inner diameter is 40mm (goes from the 10mm to 50mm marks).  What am I missing?

I'll check other blogs, but is this right?  The engine mount bolts face backwards?  Oh, and it calls for AN5-5A bolts for 2 of the holes....  and I don't have that size...  Grr....  Back to Aircraft Spruce.... :-/
EDIT: I see that JimP used -6A's for those holes.  I did order -6A's too.  He also put the bolts the way the FAA recommends.  Wonder why the manual shows the other way?

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