Tuesday, September 11, 2018

1 hr. on the wheel spats and ground block.

I bought some fiber optic cable (not the type for data usage...) and made a make-shift light pipe for the 4 screws I need to drill holes for.  Using a very bright LED flashlight....

I was able to shine light through the rivnuts to locate the where the holes need to be. :-)  Worked as planned.

Before finalizing the locations I made sure that the space around the wheel was even.  I was going to make it perfectly level with the ground, but that made it a bit tight around the wheel in the back, so I tilted it a bit to make it even spacing.

Pilot holes drilled and you can now see the light shining through.  I want to make sure I ream out the holes in exactly the right place so first I will do something so I can locate the hole centers (maybe put in flat head screws and put the cover on).

I drilled out the other mounting hole for the ground block and put in a M4 rivnut.  Here it's screwed in place.

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