Thursday, September 13, 2018

1 hr. prepping for the Big Drill...

Checking out the space for the backing strip I need to cut.  It narrows at the top.

I measured about 17mm.

Cutting a 17mm strip.

The trick I learned from others to get the canopy to sit flush with the skin.

Works well!

Before I commit to any drilling I really want to make sure the canopy is well positioned and as even as possible on both sides.  The vertical dash you see toward the bottom of the canopy in this photo is where the jog in the fiberglass is.  With that lined up I counted up 6 rivets and measured from the skin to the edge of the window.  Roughly 50.5mm on this side.

On this side (which is as far back as it can go without cutting the canopy) it's about 51.5mm.  So, within 1mm.  I'm fine with that.

My strips ready to go.  I cut one that is 17mm wide and another that is 15mm since the 17mm was a bit wide for the very top portion.  I'll cut segments of these to use along the back edge of the canopy.  The side strips came with the kit and are already drilled and ready to go.  Tomorrow is the Big Drill Day...

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