Thursday, September 6, 2018

1 hr. on spats and other misc. items.

Covering the backside so I can fill some holes.

My epoxy mix.

Mixing in the filler.

...and filling the holes.  Let those harden overnight.

I do believe this goes here.

Cut through the soundproofing for two holes.  Upper right for the flap torque tube and I think the lower left one is for the fuel line (?).

Time to cut the hole for the OAT.  The hole needs to be 5/16" by my measurement.

This looks good...  Not too close to the side so I'll have room to insert it and hold the nut.

And we have a 5/16" hole ready to go.

Got my order of plastic washers.  This should cover most (all?) cases of use.

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