Saturday, September 29, 2018

3 hrs. on a wheel spat and the rear parachute attachment.

Finally got back to finishing off the wheel spats.  Got the 4 holes done to attach the spats to the brackets.  Will hold off doing the other wheel until nighttime to make it easier to see the light through the fiberglass.

First time sitting inside the plane since it's been on its wheels.  :-)

Time to attach the rear parachute cables!

My comfy rear seat. ;-)

Not as hard as I thought.  One side done.  Since it was very tight where the nut went, the only way I could do it was to ratchet the bolt head while holding the nut from moving.  This can't be torqued since it would just bring the two parts of the rear spar closer together which I don't want to do.  I tightened it until I could see 2 threads, which felt right for tightness.

Here you can see how tight it is around the nut.  Hmm, I'll have to check those lower bolts to make sure not too many threads are showing.

I must say, I like this view. :-D

And this view. :-D

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