Monday, October 1, 2018

1 hr. not accomplishing much tonight.

I did find out a few of things from the factory:

  • The hole and grommet shown on top of the main spats is not needed.  This was mandated in South Africa by the regulators for brake pad inspection, but nobody uses it (I suppose if you really want to look at the brakes, you'd take off the cover).  One less thing to do. ;-)
  • The factory does not double the number of the holes for the front top skin, so I won't do that.
  • The factory added a metal sleeve for where the brake line meets the brakes (still getting the details), so I will do that too.
This shot is from my boroscope to try and put a wrench on the seat belt reel bolt.  Despite my good visibility it was hard to reach in from the outside (particularly with my short arms ;-)), so I'll need an assist with tightening those nuts.

My custom light saber in place to spot the locations for the screw holes.  But, after turning out the lights I couldn't see the lights through the fiberglass (maybe a bit thicker than the other cover?).  I'll try again another time.

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