Monday, October 15, 2018

1 hr. mostly on the throttle assembly.

Thanks to a heads-up from PeterC I found the pre-drilled bolts for the throttle assembly....  These were not called out in the manual and also they were in the firewall forward sub-kit which I did not have at the time of working on this awhile ago.  Well, at least I don't have to drill the holes...

You can't tighten these too much or it would prevent it from rotating as you move the throttle.

Another view.  I was concerned that those nuts could come off since there's no thread showing....

...but as you see here they can't loosen because the throttle handle itself is in the way.

OK, so I assume the brakes get connected to the outlet pointed to here.  Is there a splitter after that to go to the two brakes?  And I assume the other end gets connected to the brake reservoir on the firewall, right?

  Since I'm done with the throttle assembly, what are these for?

I was also alerted by PeterC that the strengthening angle shown here.... is upside down...  The manual is wrong.  :-(  As is, the carpeting supplied would not fit.  Should I just get a larger piece of carpet to fit the larger area or do I de-rivet and flip it?  You'll note that I applied some fluting to get it to curve, so flipping it will only work if it's a symmetrical curve (and the holes are perfectly symmetrical).  I'm tempted to just ask for a larger piece of carpeting.  Jean?

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